Post by Xx-NINJA-xX on Jan 10, 2014 1:53:46 GMT 10
When I am in game sometimes the monsters are glitched. How do you end the wave/end trader in the console?
Post by [}{] McBlackjack on Jan 10, 2014 22:18:29 GMT 10
Heya xxninjaxx, could you perhaps describe in more detail as to what type of glitch you are facing?
I am guessing you mean that there are monsters stuck outside the playable area and the way to resolve that would be to type in the console "/mvote endwave"
All the players then would be required to vote on whether or not to end the wave. This is done via the usual emotes for yes or no (i.e. V 2 1 for yes and V 2 2 for no)
Post by Xx-NINJA-xX on Jan 11, 2014 6:17:57 GMT 10
yes sorry I should have been more precise yes me and my friend play this game and sometimes the monsters get glitched out side the map or in the walls or the one with the submarine and water they would get glitched inside the water near the edge so we have to vote for a new map to end the game mode