May 5, 2014 2:00:52 GMT 10
Post by PiecesOfMieces on May 5, 2014 2:00:52 GMT 10
Hi, I'm PiecesOfMieces and used to run a great custom server for my past clan using the KFL Mod until it broke over the last year and I was unable to fix it myself and no other versions were released on the TWI forums. My clan has since died and I'm wanting to start up a new one using the KFL Mod again if I could possibly get a version of it that works as I'm not a coder myself. I have yet to play on either one of your servers to see the differences in the last version I had and this new one, but I do plan on playing later today with a friend to check it out. If it's not too much to ask, could I possibly get a copy of the current KFL Mod for my server? I don't normally play on other servers as I don't like having to follow strict rules or being ridiculed over how good or bad I may play at times. There are some ideas/offers I can talk about to whomever I need to talk to about possibly coming to a compromise to help each other out. Thank you for your time and for all the work you've all done and continue to do on this mod. It's really awesome! EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to give my Steam Profile URL. steamcommunity.com/id/PiecesOfMieces